I'll start with Zombieland's rule #1: Cardio
But that's a little generic, so what I want to show you is how to get your cardio and resistance training in at the same time with a tool that has to be one of our best bets if the Zed's attack, and it's super easy and cheap to make.
The DIY Macebell
What you need:
2 - One 2-4 foot long 3/4" galvanized nipple (found at any hardware store in the plumbing dept. for around $10. You can use any size in this range I would recommend a 3 foot pipe. It's easy to choke up on if you need to, but you can also get a good extension on it.
3 - Wrapping Tape. Any sporting goods store will have it for a couple of bucks.
1 - Drill
2 - 1" bit
3 - Pipe wrench
Drill a hole into the bowling ball (I suggest the thumb-hole as a good place for this) about 4-6" deep. Then take your pipe and start screwing into the hole. Use your wrench to get it good and snug. You can also squeeze some Plumber's Goop or other adhesive into the hole to make it hold better. Finally, wrap the pipe with your wrapping tape to help you get a good grip.
That's it! Click on the link below to check out the video for some ways to start getting into shape...and preparing to fight off the walking dead with your new Macebell!
Macebell Exercises/Zombie Combat Training